Take a look at the current open positions. Join the board and help the club with its mission of providing fun tennis activities!
Congratulations to the Men’s 4.0 USTA Adult 18 & Over Wash Park Orange team who participated in Sectionals in Salt Lake City, Utah on August 9-11.
"We ended up 1-2 with a win over Idaho & a really close loss to Nevada on Friday, and then a blow out by Utah (likely winners of nationals again) on Saturday. We had a couple guys that wanted to play singles against Utah, but the doubles lines were all drawn out of a hat by the USTA official. We figured we'd have some fun with it since we were out of contention and the Utah team was very good (example: their D1 team had been partners in high school and won a 6a state championship in 2018)".
Members include: Matt Whitmer, Jake Hugenberg, Tim Fitz, Chris McCarthy, Brandon Kalusa, Greg Hamilton (c), Jack Stanley, Chad Whitmer, Lionel Pomerantz, Ryan MacDowell, Tyler Hagnauer, Justin Weigle.
Congratulations to the Women’s 3.5 USTA Adult 40 & Over Wash Park Red team on a great league season that qualified them to participate in the District Championships held in Denver on August 16-18.
Members include: Suzette Emerson, Rebecca Gart, Sue Hickey, Sanda McMillan, Alison Mizer, Kim Allen, Deb Alpert, Minou Cramer, Bethany Sheldon.
Four teams from WPTC advanced to flight playoffs (districts) and beyond for the recent 18+ season!
WP-O NAVY - Women's 2.5
WP SILVER – Women's 3.5 (Team photo below)
WP GREEN – Women's 4.5
WP ORANGE – Men's 4.0
Our men's 4.0 team - WP Orange - is heading to Salt Lake City to compete against other top teams after winning districts in Denver! According to captain Greg Hamilton, it was a bit of a roller coaster season. "We lost our first week of league, so it wasn't looking like we'd get any post season play. Then, the team that beat us finally picked up a loss in week six which opened the door for us to move into first, and then we had some clutch wins in the post-season." Congratulations to Greg, Tim Fitz (co-captain), Kirk Arza, Tyler Hagnauer, Matt Whitmer, Brandon Kalusa, Jake Hugenberg, Ryan MacDowell, Chad Whitmer, Andrew Goodwillie, Lionel Pomerantz, Christopher McCarthy, Justin Weigle and Jack Stanley. Way to represent!
The Chet Niemeyer Labor Day Tournament (August 29-September 2) is coming up soon! Can you help us with check-ins, court assignments, recording scores, or whatever is needed? Contact Laurie Wagner at tournaments@washparktennisclub.com to volunteer!
Starting in the 2024 Championship year, USTA National will be using a five line format for Adult 40 & over leagues - 1 Singles, 4- Doubles - at all 2024 Adult 40 & Over National Championships.
For the 2024 Championship year, the USTA Intermountain Adult Programs Committee has voted that the format for all 2024 USTA League Adult 40 & Over Sectional Championships will remain at 4 lines- 1 singles 3 doubles.
The USTA Intermountain Adult Programs Committee looked at many factors when making our decision including facility availability, player feedback, district and coordinators feedback and we feel at this time the 4 court format is the best option for our 2024 Adult 40 & Over Sectional Championships. Click on image for FAQ:
Did you know that the Wash Park Tennis Club is run entirely by an all-volunteer board?
The ALL VOLUNTEER WPTC Board members oversee the operations, activities and events the club has put on over the past 55 years. Without folks volunteering to be on the board, the club would have to stop providing various opportunities to play tennis. If you're ready to step up and be part of a tennis organization beloved by the Denver tennis community, there are currently 4 open positions that need to be filled as soon as possible.
Secretary Tournament Director Summer Socials Fall Weekend Trip Director Contact WPTC President, Gordon Rulon, if you're interested.
Good luck to:
Jeff Loehr, Cary Hodges, Jerad Harbaugh, and Bryan Knepper, Bart Scott, Dietz Fry, Julien Seelen, Chris Celechovsky, Chris Jenkins, & John Hereford
Here is Jerad's gracious letter to the board:
Congratulations to 2017 USTA ADULT 18 & OVER - WOMEN 3.0 - WP Purple, captained by Angelique Manley, for a perfect 7-0 season.
The team, consisting of Angelique Manley, Leah Johnson, Kristina M Parker, Rachel Deloach, Lauren Eddy, Kathy Dinmore, Kristen Hanson, Shelli Kwederis, Keegan Borgias, Julie Woodle, Mindy Humphrey, and Anne Purvis, advanced to Districts at CACM where they lost to the eventual winner, Miramont Lifestyle Fitness Fort Collins.
WPTC Members can now have their membership at their fingertips!Install the Wild Apricot Members Mobile App today!
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